Activities for School Classes
Introduce your students to the medium of photography with a visit to our interactive Ernst Leitz Museum. Teach them about technique, image composition, editing and more with our playful workshops and worksheets.
LOBA-Aktion: Vergünstigter Eintritt für Schüler*innen
Während der LOBA Ausstellung können Schülerinnen das Ernst Leitz Museum für nur 3,- Euro besuchen. Dieses besondere Angebot soll junge Menschen für die Fotografie begeistern und ihnen die wichtige Rolle der Fotografie bei der Dokumentation gesellschaftlich relevanter Ereignisse und Themen vermitteln.
Information for Teachers
Opening Times
The Leica World is open daily from 10 am to 6 pm. This includes the Ernst Leitz Museum and the headquarters with the manufacture, Leica Collection, Leica Gallery and much more.
The Leitz-Park Forest with the nature trail is open around the clock and accessible free of charge.
Children up to 8 years of age do not pay admission to Leica World.
The following prices apply per head for school classes of 10 pupils or more
- Ernst Leitz Museum: 6.50 Euros
- Tour of Leica World: 2.50 Euros
- Leica World Tour + Museum: 8,50 Euros
- Tour of the Leitz Park Forest: 4.50 Euros
- Smartphone Photography Workshop: tba
Two teachers/supervisors per class enter for free.
Tours and Workshops
Tour of Leica World: Wednesday 1 p.m., Friday 1.30 p.m., Saturday 1 p.m.
Tour of Leitz-Park Forest: Every 1st Sunday of the month at 2 p.m.
Smartphone Workshop: Every last Friday of the month at 3 p.m.
As a class, please register with us by email at visitleitzpark@leica-camera.com. If necessary, individual times for the tours and workshops can be arranged. -
Am Leitz-Park 6
35578 Wetzlar
Google Maps
Public Transport
From Wetzlar Bahnhof (RE und RB), ZOB (Zentraler Busbahnhof)
Bus Line 11 to Gießen „Johanneskirche“
11 stops, get off at „Am Leitz-Park“
Duration approx. 15 minutes -
Our free app provides a lot of background information on the exhibition areas and the Leica Manufacture. It can be used to download the photos taken at the Ernst Leitz Museum to your own mobile phone.
Questions? Simply contact us and we are happy to help you!
Mail: info@leitz-park.com
Opening Times